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Nutrition: The Not So Secret Ingredient to Healthy Hearing

In Hearing Health by Dr. Marcus Kolmetz

Hearing is one of our most precious senses, allowing us to connect with the world around us, communicate effectively, and enjoy life to the fullest. Yet, hearing loss remains a prevalent and often misunderstood health issue. While genetics, aging, and exposure to loud noises play significant roles in hearing loss, …

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Identifying the Signs of Hearing Loss

In Hearing Health, Hearing Loss by Dr. Marcus Kolmetz

Do you have hearing loss? You may not even know it. It is far too common to live with hearing loss for years without realizing it. This is because hearing loss develops slowly over years. What starts as subtle misunderstandings becomes rationalized by the brain. You may start to believe …

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All about Hearing Protection

In Hearing Health by Dr. Marcus Kolmetz

We live in a noisy world. From work, to our commute and even our own homes, we may encounter dangerous levels of noise just about anywhere we go. However, this doesn’t mean you have to hide from these noises, but rather be ready and prepared. Loud noises can cause sound …

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Facts & Fictions About Hearing Loss

In Hearing Loss by Dr. Marcus Kolmetz

Do you have hearing loss? You may not even know it. The National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) reports that “One in eight people in the United States (13 percent, or 30 million) aged 12 years or older has hearing loss in both ears, based on standard …

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Everyday Activities That Could Harm Your Hearing

In Hearing Health by Dr. Marcus Kolmetz

We are exposed to various sounds throughout the day. From alarm clocks, to listening to music, commuting, talking on the phone, and traffic – sound is part of everyday life. But did you know that there are everyday activities that could harm your hearing? One time or regular exposure to …

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Addressing Hearing Loss May Improve Care of Older Adults

In Hearing Loss by Dr. Marcus Kolmetz

A new study has found that when clinicians address hearing loss in older adults, it can improve the quality of care they receive. The study, published in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, looked at a group of 516 patients aged 70 and older who were seen at an …