Hearing loss is frustrating for those who face it and for their loved ones. Living with untreated hearing loss not only impacts your ability to hear, but is also detrimental to your mental and social well-being. You might find that your untreated hearing loss start to have a bearing on …
Nonverbal Cues to Help You in Meetings
Studies have shown that those with severe hearing loss are better at understanding nonverbal communication than their counterparts. This is not surprising, since reading body language and facial expressions are central cues for those hard of hearing, to help them understand what is being said when they struggle with speech …
Hearing Loss Has Been Linked to Premature Death
Several recent studies have shown the link between hearing loss among seniors and earlier death. This is especially concerning as close to one third of adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have some sort of hearing loss. Hearing loss in seniors not only impacts their ability to engage …
Start the Year Off Right with an Annual Hearing Test
Happy New Year, Happy New Ear! If you haven’t already, add hearing health to that long list of resolutions this year. Ear health and hearing health are equally important as our overall health, so why not make it a priority to be proactive in taking care of our hearing this …
Talking about Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters
If you suffer from hearing loss, you may know that addressing the condition is only the first step. Letting your loved ones know that you suffer from hearing loss can become even more daunting of a challenge. Admitting you have a hearing loss shouldn’t be embarrassing, but for many it is. There …
Patients With Untreated Hearing Loss Incur Higher Health Care Costs Over Time
An estimated 38 million people in the United States of America are experiencing some form of hearing loss—two-thirds of these people are older than 70. Researchers have estimated that one in three people who are between 65 and 74 years old currently has hearing loss. While it is a common …
Occupational Hearing Hazards
Noise in a work environment is one of the most common causes of hearing loss, and one of the most common occupational injuries suffered in the United States. Approximately 40 million employed people are exposed to dangerous noise levels each day while ten million have already suffered hearing damage from …
Great Things to Hear this Holiday Season in Panama City
Ah, the holidays! Fun, festivity, and lots of memory-making events. At Audiology Consultants, we don’t want you to miss a minute of the holiday action – the sights, the smells and, of course, the sounds. We’ve picked out some holiday events for the entire family, with great things to hear, …
Tips for Traveling with Hearing Aids
It’s always a great time to get out and travel – whether you’re on return trip to a favorite destination or headed out on an adventure to somewhere you’ve never been! When it comes to traveling, you don’t have to let hearing loss hold you back. Most travel plans can …
Enjoying the Holidays with Hearing Loss
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays upon us, one or more big festive dinner or party has likely popped up on your schedule. While gathering with family and friends is one of the best ways to celebrate the season, big gatherings can be hard on people with hearing …